I sit this morning writing on the shores of the Sea of
Galilee. No one else is here, it is just the sounds of gentle waves, a gentle
breeze, birds, and me. I love it here in Galilee.
Last week we spent a day of getting ready for Galilee and
enjoying each other.
In the afternoon we went to Shepherd’s Field and did some
filming for some things we are trying to put together. A shepherd came by with
his flock. H was helped by his young children.. My youngest went and helped him
move the flock along. Sabrina has been wanting a ride on a donkey, so we paid
him to give her a short ride (this was her birthday present, 10 months late).
It was somehow perfect and magical to do some shepherding on our last time at
Shepherd’s Field.
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Sabrina riding a donkey at Shepherd's Field |
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Our kids and locals shepherding at Shepherd's Field |
Then we went to First Station, the old train station that
has been turned into a pedestrian mecca. We rented various kinds of tandem
bikes there and had a lot of fun going around together. Then we got ice cream
and sat together and just laughed and had fun with each other. Both activities
were a bit pricey, but they were wonderful.
The next morning we left very early for Galilee. Julianne
came a bit later in the van, but all the kids were with us on the bus. I was
able to do a little teaching on the way up, and then a few students had
questions so I taught just a small group the rest of the 1.5 hour drive.
Finally we arrived at Bet Sha’an. After Andrew Skinner taught us at the model
of the city, I took my group up onto the big tel. There we looked at how the
place controlled access to various trade routes. We looked out at the Jezreel
Valley and the places where biblical events such as Gideon’s battle took place.
Then we saw the Egyptian remains from the ages and ages that this was an
Egyptian stronghold as they controlled the routes. Then we read the story of
how Saul was killed on the next door hill, and how his body was brought to this
one, and how it was rescued. We also read David’s lament for Saul and
Johnathan. And finally we looked over the huge Roman ruins and talked about how
this was a Decapolis city. We read about the Savior preaching in Decapolis
areas and how people from Decapolis followed him.
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Students at Beith Sha'an |
Then I gave everyone free
time to explore the city. I took my children and those who wanted to follow me
through some particular places, but mostly people just explored and had fun.
Julianne met us during that portion, and it was good to be with her.
Next we went to Nazareth. I think we had some nice moments
talking about how Mary was so dedicated to doing the Lord’s will, and how the
sentiments she expressed when she said “be it unto me according to thy word”
prefigure her son’s statement “not my will by thine be done.” Jesus inherited his
qualities from both his divine father and his mortal mother, and Mary was a
worthy mother.
When we went in the church they were doing a mass, and the
singing was beautiful. I was grateful to be part of that. I taught just a bit
about the church, and gave them free time to see Saint Joseph’s church.
Then we
went up to the church built over the traditional site of the synagogue and Andy
did a magnificent job of teaching them about Christ in that synagogue. I added
just a few words that tied the whole thing into the experience our little
student Rebecca was having as she was, at that very moment, flying across the
Atlantic to bury her sister. We prayed that Christ would heal the brokenhearted
as he said he would in that synagogue.
As we left Nazareth I was able to talk to them, as I always
do at that time, about motherhood. I taught them about how important that role
is, and how the world demeans it and takes away from it. We spoke of how those
who believe the world rob themselves of being part of the greatest role in the
world besides that of Savior. We talked about how those who believe both God
and the world also rob themselves of a measure of the divine content and joy
that can come from motherhood because as they are living according to God’s
values, following whatever path God has for them, they are simultaneously
berating themselves for not living up to the world’s values. We spoke of how
this can happen in any kind of role, not just motherhood, but also of the
tragedy that it is happening so much in regards to motherhood. I hope I was
able to issue a clarion call for the support of mothers. I felt like the
conversation went really well.
Finally we got to Mount Arbel. We looked down on the vista
of the Sea of Galilee, and I helped them get a feel for the geography and
political lines of the place. It is stunningly beautiful there. The timing of
the day was working very well, and we were able to get them more free time than
I have ever been able to do before. I even got to explore with Tashara a
little, and it was wonderful. What a great time!
Students at Mount Arbel |
View of the Magdala Church from Mount Arbel |
View of Galilee from Mount Arbel |
Tashara and I at Mount Arbel with Galilee behind us |
Of course as we checked in everyone was thrilled to be here.
There is a magical feeling about the Sea of Galilee, and especially about the
area around Ein Gev. We love it here. After dinner the students went on a tour
of the Kibbutz, so we let our children swim in the lake. They loved it!
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Kids playing at Galilee |
The next morning we started out on one of my favorite field
trips. We went first to Capernaum. We stopped at the Bay of Parables, and I
read from a few of the Matthew 13 parables, and we talked about it for just a
while. We also showed them where Jacob had been baptized. Then we walked into
the city. No one was in the synagogue, so we went right there. I taught them
about the Bread of Life Sermon that happened there. We spoke about how
important it is to make Christ part of us, how we must partake of him. We
talked about how Christ wants to bring us to the Father and how he is inviting
us into his relationship with the Father. We talked about how much they both
want to exalt us, and how partaking of Christ is the way for that to happen. I
feel like it went pretty well.
Students and family on the benches of the synagogue at Capernaum |
the Synagogue at Capernaum |
Synagogue at Capernaum |
ruins at Capernaum |
From there I tried to show them the little streets of
Capernaum, and explain to them how the houses worked there. Then we looked at
Peter’s house, and I taught them about the early tradition that this is Peter’s
house. I am fairly convinced that it is the right place. We talked about how
Capernaum was the city Christ made his home, as much as he had one, during his
ministry. It was headquarters, and Peter’s home was headquarters of Capernaum.
This is the closest thing he had to a place to lay his head. This is where many
miracles were performed, at least one in the house, probably more, and some
seemingly at the doorstep. I expressed my gratitude to Peter for giving Christ
some place he could find rest. Christ was a real person who got tired, got
lonely, got blisters, and who needed rest. Peter’s house was important for all
of this.
Peter's House at Capernaum |
my family at Capernaum |
Then we read Matthew 9, walking through the events in that
chapter. Miracle after miracle, important event after important event, all lined
up one after the other. What an incredible day. O, what it would have been like
to be with Christ in Capernaum. O, how I would have loved to hear him teach and
see him bless! O! What a city of miracles. To have seen the paralytic walk, or
the blind begin to see, or the devils cast out! O how I love that miracles can
still happen today in our lives. O! How real the scriptures are! How real
Christ is. How real his involvement in our lives is! How blessed are we! I
thank God for sending his son to bless us!
From there we went to the sea shore and saw where Jacob was
confirmed. On the very seat where Jacob sat when we confirmed him they had set
the Eucharist for a mass. How interesting that the ordinance we believe renews
our covenants was happening where Jacob made covenants.
Communion where Jacob was confirmed at Capernaum |
There we talked about the calling of the Apostles that
happened at Capernaum. We read the story of catching great nets of fish. We
read of catching a fish with the coin so that the temple tax could be paid. And
then I gave everyone 50 minutes of free time to think, pray, write, sing, explore,
and worship. I spent some time with my family, took some pictures, went into
the church and prayed for a long time, prayed with my family, took more
pictures, did some teaching for those who had questions, thought and prayed
some more, and then left. It was a really wonderful time. I think it was for
the students also.
The shores of Capernaum |
From there we went to the Mount of Beatitudes. As I was
going to meet with Sister Mary Rose, the Italian nun who runs the place, I got
behind a man who was also going to meet her. He asked her for a blessing. She
said “I cannot bless you. Blessings come from God. I can intercede on your
behalf, I can ask him to bless you. But any blessings you receive come from
him. He wants to bless you, so I will ask him, but he is the giver of blessings.”
I could not help but think how much this is what Christ would have said and
done. It was a beautiful sentiment.
After we went into the church and enjoyed it, we went to a
spot reserved for us where we could look out on the area where the Sermon on the
Mount had likely taken place.
The Mount of Beatitudes |
Sister Mary Rose came to meet us and spoke with
us for a while. What a sweet spirit she carries with her. She talked about how
Christ encouraged us to do better. Then I spoke for a while about how Christ
took what had always been in the Law of Moses and showed us how it was supposed
to lift us higher. I talked about how the Sermon on the Mount teaches us how to
love God and love each other more. Then I asked for students to share their
thoughts. Several did, and it was a very nice time. For me the Spirit was
present. We sang Lord I Would Follow Thee, and people were given enough time to
think and write and read, and then we left. It was a sweet time together.
My students at the Mount of Beatitudes |
From there we went to Tabgha, and we talked about the
miracle of the loaves and fishes. We enjoyed that church.
Alexia in front of her favorite motif (the fish and loaves mosaic) at Tabgha |
Alexia at Tabgha |
The famous fish and loaves mosaic at Tabgah on the shores of Galilee |
My students in the church at Tabha |
Then we walked to
Saint Peter’s Primacy. There we read from the story of Christ appearing on the
shores there after his resurrection and asking Peter if he loved the fish more
than he loved him. I talked about Peter’s strong desire to be with the Savior.
Julianne talked about how she had seen them so strongly desire to be with
Christ. Then I talked about how Peter had been so ready to go back to what he
knew, but how, when Christ called him to do something else, he so willingly did
that. We talked about committing to change, to not go back wo what we are used
to be to stay changed and to serve the Lord. We sang “I’ll go Where You Want me
to Go Dear Lord,” and everyone had some time to think and ponder. It was very
Everyone at the church of St.Peter's Primacy on the shores of Galilee |
The shores of Galilee at St. Peter's Primacy |
Then we went to Magdala. That is such an incredible site. We
went to the synagogue. I taught them about how that was a synagogue that was
used during the Savior’s life. We read scriptures that demonstrated that he
went to Magdala, and we read other scriptures that demonstrated that he always
taught in synagogues. Then we talked about the kinds of things he would have
taught or done there, and talked about how fortunate we are to know his
doctrine and teachings and to follow him. I let them have time to touch the
stones he touched. I think everyone had a powerful time.
The synagogue at Capernaum |
Students touching the threshold of the Magdala Synagogue |
My children touching the benches of the Magdala synagogue |
Then we went and saw the mikvah’s (mikva’ot) that they found
there. I think there is a very good chance that the Savior used those, so we
talked about him and cleansing. Then we walked to the area that had fish
production structures, such as places where they made fish nets, hooks,
weights, etc. This is a place Peter and co. probably came.
Jacob at Magdala |
Then we went to the church. They have done the most
spectacular job there. The chapel has the sound of the sea in it, the altar is
a boat sitting on green marble with glass behind it that has greenish water
outside it. The whole thing makes you feel like you are on the Sea of Galilee
with Jesus and the apostles, who are all pictured around the room.
From there we went downstairs. They have set it up to look
like a synagogue from the time. The floor is actually the ancient road, no
reconstruction, just the basalt paved road. At the end of the room, where the
road meets the wall, is the most remarkable painting of the feel of Jesus and
his apostles as the woman with the issue of blood reaches out to touch the hem
of his garment. It is a remarkable place to talk about that miracle. Julianne
taught there, and spoke of the time she was incapacitated because she bled for
five weeks. She talked in such moving ways about the woman and her needs and
what the Lord did for her. Everyone was touched, and it was a wonderful time.
Then we went up to the dome. On the ceiling is pictured a
woman’s hands and the starry heaven. It feels like a mother reaching down from
heaven. The columns have the names of women from the New Testament inscribed on
them, such as Mary of Magdala. Joanna, Salome, etc. The last column has written
on it “and many others” which is a phrase at the end of the list of women who
ministered to the Savior. It somehow simply yet powerfully makes it so that
this place, which is a monument to the women of the scriptures, includes all
the women who come. We sang “Oh my Father” there.
While singing I had the most
startling and striking realization come to me. I believe I am so passionate
about motherhood because of a strong relationship I have with another mother. It
was a wonderful moment for me. I think many had a wonderful moment there. Then
we took a picture of many of the women from the class in front of the “many
others” column. I loved it!
in front of the "Many Others" column at Magdala |
My family at Magdala |
From there we went to Nof Ginosaur, where we got to see the
ancient boat they found. Then we went on a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee.
We had a great time, of course. It was a bit wavy, the most I have had it while
on a boat, though I doubt the waves were even quite two feet tall. It moved us
and made us sway when we stopped the boat. Julianne taught us about the Savior
calming the water. She taught a powerful message. I also talked about it just a
little, trying to help those who feel high anxiety realize how much they can
rely on the Savior. He is their life jacket, he is the thing they know they can
count on when everything else fails. There is no need for anxiety or despair,
we know he will rescue us and save us.
Jacob sleeping on a "pillow" in the boat on Galilee |
Tashara and Students on the boat at Galilee |
Then I talked about Peter walking on the water. We focused
on how, when he began to sink, he still had enough faith to call out to Christ
to save him. And Christ did! It didn’t matter that he faltered, we all will. We
do need to focus on coming to Christ, not the obstacles, but when the obstacles
start to make us sink, it doesn’t mean we should give up, nor that Christ will
give up on us. Instead, if we just call on him, he will reach out and save us,
and walk us safely to the boat. How blessed we are to know that! We had time to
think and write after that.
Sea of Galilee |
Students on the boat at Galilee |
Me thinking on the boat on Galilee |
What an incredible day. It is hard to believe that we did
all those things in one day. Any one of them would have been enough to make it
an amazing day. All of them together is just more than a person can take in. We
are so blessed!
The next morning we had class. I felt like the class went
very well. We were able to talk about a lot of things that were planned in the
lesson, but also about a lot of things that people just had questions about. It
was very, very enjoyable.
Then I did some reading for my next class, and joined my
family on the beach and in the water. We played and had fun. Then my class met
on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. I often have a portion of a class there,
and that was my intent today. But, though it has been brutally, brutally hot
and humid, somehow there in the shade of the trees with the wind blowing it
wasn’t bad, and everyone wanted to just keep going. We talked about the miracle
of feeding the five thousand. We spoke of what that miracle may have looked
like. We talked about Christ’s mercy and how he wants to feed us in every way
possible. Then we talked about how he asks us to do things we are not capable
of, such as feed a multitude with five loaves and two fishes. It doesn’t matter
how much we bring to a task, it matters that we bring what we have. If we give
him what we have, he will make it enough.
Then we read the story of the devils being cast into swine.
From there we could see where it happened, and the city Hippos, which is surely
the city the people came from to talk to the Savior. We compared the symbolism
of the story to what Jacob teaches in 2 Nephi 9. We saw how the Savior takes
all of us and delivers us from death and hell and instead wraps us in robes of
righteousness and gives us peace and freedom in his presence. It is a wonderful
thing! We spent the whole class there on the shores of Galilee. It was
Hippos |
Then we did more playing in the water. Then we went to
dinner at the Fish restaurant, where we ate St. Peter’s fish. It is a great
time to visit with people and hear more about them. Then we went to Tiberias,
where everyone walked around and bought ice cream and had fun and Julianne and
I just spent enjoyable time together. So nice!
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at the Ein Gev Fish Restaurant |
The next morning we went to Gamla. What a beautiful place! I
taught them about how that place was the last holdout against the Romans when
they conquered the Galilee area. I
showed them where the Romans got in. Then we gave them time to explore
the place, and then we met in the synagogue. I had three students who weren’t
there. One of my best students, Dave Beesley, suddenly stood up and volunteered
to go get them, telling me “I was born for this, I trained for this moment,
coach, send me in.” I normally wouldn’t have, but felt like it was a good idea
this time. So I sent him out. It turns out that they had gotten lost, a girl
had rolled her ankle, and they couldn’t figure out how to find us. They prayed
for help, and he came around the corner to help them find their way back to us.
It was a fun little moment.
There in the synagogue I taught them about how the Savior
healed and taught in synagogues. This is another (the only other excavated)
first century synagogue. I think there is a very good chance he taught in this
synagogue. We read accounts of his healing people, and I had my student with a broken hand stand up
and we all tried to imagine what it is like to have someone with a withered
hand healed. We talked again about how Christ wants to heal us in every way,
and can. We talked about how he taught in the synagogues, and how we get to
participate in that by studying the scriptures. We had a very nice time.
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Tashara and I at Gamla |
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students at the synagogue at Gamla |
Then we went to the breach in the wall, the place the Romans
got in. We talked about how the leaders of the
Jewish revolt took people with good ideas and used them. We asked how
sometimes we start out with good intents but it goes wrong. Then we asked how
we sometimes let people breach our walls of spiritual defense. Then we left. It
was a nice time at Gamla.
We went to Bethsaida. There we talked about Peter and Andrew
and Phillip. We talked about the good fishermen who followed Christ. We read
the account of the man who was healed in stages, and talked about how Christ
gives us all sight. We went to the Old Testament gate, the one that fell to
Tiglath Pilesar III during the beginning of the scattering of Israel. There are
two stones of worship at the gate. So I asked them how we worship more than one
god at the same time. As they came up with ideas I would walk between the two
stones, and I think it helped them visualize how we really do worship both the
ideas of the world and God at the same time. I feel like it really helped it
sink in for people.
Then we went to Kursi. There we quickly went over the story
of the casting of the devils into swine. We did it quickly, but I think we had
some good moments there, and then we came quickly back to eat lunch. From there
we went as a family with everyone else canoeing along the Jordan. Julianne and
I were together in a canoe. We splashed people, Julianne tipped me in, we
jumped off a platform together, and had a great time. Our whole family had so
much fun, with everyone swimming, swinging into the river, jumping into the
river, and catching turtles. The Jordan is beautiful, and we had fun. Life is
wonderful here!
The next day we had class again. I feel like class went
super well. We talked about loving like Christ did, and the importance of
holding to a high standard but still being the kind of people that sinners and
those who struggle or feel different feel accepted by and loved by. We need for
the Church to be a place where everyone knows the standards but feels wanted
and welcomed. Somehow Christ did that, we all need to figure out how to do it
as well. We also talked about Christ as the water of life and the light of the
world, and how he used the Feast of Tabernacles as an opportunity to teach
that. It was a lot of fun.
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Some of my students who stayed after class to ask questions |
After all three hours of class were over I went with Phil,
Julianne and the Skinners to explore some ancient synagogues. It was a lot of
fun. I sure love these people and I love being with them and learning from them
and the strength that comes from doing great things together. I miss Jennifer,
Phil’s wife. A few days ago they got a call from a daughter who needed them. So
Jennifer has already packed up and gone home. Suddenly Phil, and all of us, are
without her. We miss her.
After our fun exploring, Julianne and I went swimming with
the kids. We had a lot of fun, and then we just hung out together in the water
and on the beach. I sure love being with her and love her. She makes life
better. She makes it worthwhile. That night we watched a little movie together.
That night they brought in a petting zoo for the kids
staying here. Jacob and Sabrina and Alexia had the time of their life. Pythons,
leopard geckos, bunnies, hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, roosters, and a tarantula
all made them so happy!
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Jacob with a python |
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Jacob and Sabrina and the bunnies and guinea pigs |
The next morning we were able to sleep in a little. We had a
wonderful breakfast here at Ein Gev resort. Then we pulled our children aside,
one at a time, and reviewed with them the things they have learned during this
last year in the Holy Land. We talked about how they have grown. We helped them
see their abilities and strengths. I am blessed to have truly amazing children.
They are capable of anything. I am so happy to be with them.
Alexia making huge bubbles |
Church was wonderful. We also spent more time with the
Skinners, and family time. It has been a delightful, amazing day!
My class after sacrament meeting at Tiberias |
Andrew Skinner teaching at the Yardenit baptismal site on the way to church |
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