What a great week! It started out in such a perfect way. On
Sunday morning, Julianne’s birthday, we decorated the place and made her a big
breakfast of all kinds of things. The kids helped in every way, and I think
Julianne felt loved. Then we found that the students had decorated our hallway
for her, and the Heiners had left us Valentine’s surprises. It was a wonderful
way to start the day.
Then we left to do our walk or bike ride to Emmaus. On the
way we stopped by the Pita Factory and got some fresh warm pita. We love, love,
love doing that.
One of the old men who helps run the factory |
One of the guys who runs the factory as he gave our kids pita |
The dough at the pita factory |
Making the pita |
Pita after it is cooked, cooling down |
We tried to rent some bikes, but the place we went didn’t
have enough for us and didn’t have any for kids. So we decided to walk. We went
to the playground we found last week and played and had a great little picnic (N
31˚ 48.006’ E 035˚ 11.822’).
Birthday picnic at the playground |
my kids playing with some local kids |
local kids at the playground |
Then we began our walk along the bike path. It was
enjoyable although it wasn’t long before a few of the kids were complaining
that they were tired and weren’t having fun. The weather was incredible, it was
even a bit too hot even in short sleeved shirts. The birds were singing, the
flowers were blooming, the trees were budding, and it was great.
Beginning our walk to Emmaus |
Kaleb is sure this sign means "no bacon" |
beauty on the walk to Emmaus |
We took some time to talk about why Mom wanted to do this on
her birthday and why it was so great for Valentine’s Day. It was on the road to
Emmaus that some disciples came to recognize Christ and understand more about
him. We want to go on that walk together. The thing Mom wants more than
anything is for us, as a family, to together understand more about Christ,
recognize him, and then be with him. That is why we do everything we do. That
is why we came to Israel, to first come to Christ, and second come together as
a family. That is why we did the walk, to help us with both of those things. I
think the kids understood what we were talking about and were touched. There
was less whining and more enjoyment after that discussion.
Poppies on the walk to Emmaus |
The family on our walk to Emmaus |
After three miles (I was using my GPS to keep track of how
far we were going), we came to a really cool playground (N 31˚ 48.058’ E 035˚
10.284’). It was really kind of just in the wild growth area of the trail. It
had lots of play things carved into the stones. There was a life-sized game of
chutes and ladders where you are the game piece and you climbed small stairs
and went down very small slides. There was a little life-sized maze. There were
a bunch of stone tables with games carved into them like battleship,
backgammon, mancala, etc. (you used stones for markers). We had a little break
there and played and had a wonderful time. Then we kept going.
Playing chutes and ladders |
the stone (board) games at the sculpture playground |
Playing mancala |
battleship |
It wasn’t too
long until we came to the end of the bike trail (though we didn’t go on many of
the little side trails, and the few we went on we only went on for a couple
dozen yards or so). But we weren’t quite to Motsa/Emmaus yet. So we went off
trail. We crossed some roads, walked along some stone walls, went along some
dirt paths, through a bit of a construction zone, through some trees and across
a bit of a swampy brook, and got to where we could see the synagogue of Motsa. That
meant we were on the outskirts of ancient Emmaus, and we were satisfied that we
had walked the road to Emmaus. We had a great time, and we headed back.
the family walking along a wall to get to Emmaus |
Off the road as we walk to Emmaus |
The land flows with milk and honey as we pass beekeepers on our walk to Emmaus |
On our way back from Motsa/Emmaus |
We had fun singing and talking along the way, and everyone seemed
to be walking with a light step. They were excited to get back to the stone
playground and play some more. We got there and played again. We also found
some paper kits that were all tangled up with each other that people had left
behind. We untangled a few of them, and started doing kites on the way back. It
worked okay for a while, and then the wind shifted. That made it so that in
order for a kite to be off the ground you had to run the whole time. They did
it and had a ton of fun! It also made the walk back go very quickly with no
complaints about how far. Alexia and Jacob worked together as a team and Tashara and Sabrina and Kaleb worked together, and it was so very heartwarming to see them
have so much fun together. We walked a bit over 8 miles, and it was perfect!
Tashara and Sabrina getting a kite ready to fly on the walk back from Emmaus |
Alexia and Jacob flying a kite on the walk back from Emmaus |
Tashara gave Sabrina a piggy back ride back from Emmaus |
Walking back from Emmaus |
Alexia and Jacob flying a kite on the walk back from Emmaus |
Kaleb flying a kite on the walk back from Emmaus |
played some more at the playground, and drove around a bit to explore some of
the trails we hadn’t been on before. We have been tasked with finding some
spots for a joint youth activity, and this seems like the perfect place! We
drove all around figuring out how to make that work as well as possible, and
are excited that we found a place people will enjoy so much.
We then went out to Julianne’s favorite Shwarma place, and
capped it off with some brownies and ice cream. I feel like it was a perfect
birthday and Valentine’s Day. I hope Julianne felt that way too, I think she
Jul blowing out a candle on her birthday brownie |
The next day was very different. We got the kids off to
school and then we took the students to Yad Vashem, the Jerusalem Holocaust
Museum. We first went to Mount Herzl, where Ophir met us and took over the field
trip. He does such a great job with this field trip. As great as he is with it,
I have heard him do it many times, so I disappeared in the park for a while and
got out my laptop and got a lot of stuff done. It was delightful to sit under a
tree, listen to the birds, and do some writing. It was quite pleasant. Then I
joined them and heard part of what he was teaching, and we all had a nice lunch
there on the mount together. Then we went to the Holocaust Museum. Again I got
them all set up, and then left them and got work done. It was a very productive
day in a lot of ways, and I had a peaceful environment the whole time and
really enjoyed myself.
Julianne came because she felt like she should go to the
Holocaust Museum at least once each time we come, and I felt like I couldn’t
leave her the whole time, so I eventually went and spent an hour with her
there. It is important to do, but I hate doing it. No matter how many times I
have been in there, it weighs on me. It makes me question what humanity means.
How could we do this? How could so many not help? What would I have done? I
always like to think that I would have helped Jews. But I also ask myself what
would I do if I were put in a position where helping them would potentially
bring great harm to my children? That is a much more difficult question, one
that wrenches at my soul.
I am always torn apart by the stories of children, it hurts
so much. It makes me ache deeply. This time I tried to spend the majority of my
time looking at the stories of heroes who helped, and that was rewarding, but
continued to force me into moving soul searching. It was tough, it always is. I
am glad I did it, but will be glad if I don’t do it again for a long time.
We got home and took care of our kids and had a nice evening
together. I am glad to have such a wonderful family and to not live in a
situation that puts us through such great heartache and that does not threaten
to tear our family away from each other.
The next day I went
to a workshop at the Albright. It was on 3D imaging as a way of documenting
excavations. It was very helpful, and I enjoyed it very much. It gave me a lot
to think about for my excavation as we begin working at Philadelphia.
The next day I enjoyed
class. We are covering a ton of material right now. Today we covered the fall
of Israel. Weighty stuff, so many great lessons. Some of what I squished in at
the last minute ended up making a real difference for many students based on
what they came up and told me afterwards. It is always a thrill to be a tool in
the Lord’s hands. I love teaching this stuff.
Thursday was an exciting day. I spent part of the morning on
an electronic chat with Brett Nielson, who is trying to help me raise funds for
my excavation. He had some exciting progress and we talked over some ways to
move forward. I am very excited.
Class was great! We started covering Isaiah. I asked my
students at the beginning of class how many of them, after all the study they
have done, the history they have learned, and the time they have spent here,
could understand Isaiah. If not every hand went up, it was almost every hand.
Many of them went up enthusiastically, and some people put up both their hands.
They were so excited that they were getting it. That makes my whole day. I felt
like the lesson went very well, and it seemed to have a real effect on them.
Then Jul and I got together with Phil, Andy, Tarek and
Mahmoud. We went to Nabi Musa, a mosque that was built over a site chosen to
commemorate the death and burial of Moses. While we know it is not the place,
it is worth thinking of Moses and all he did. The place is in the deserts of
Judea, and is picturesque in a way.
In the courtyard of Nabi Musa (prophet Moses) |
Jul at the entrance to the mosque of Nabi Musa |
The cenotaph (commemorative tomb) of Moses |
Mahmoud at the door to the synagogue |
The Nabi Musa mosque as seen through a knothole in the door |
The Judean Wilderness as seen from the Nabi Musa mosque |
A camel and the Judean Wilderness as seen from Nabi Musa |
Who knew they were expecting me? |
The Judean wilderness as seen from Nabi Musa |
From there we went off road to get to Hyrcania (N 31˚ 43.124’
E 035˚ 21.943’), a fortress built by the Macabees and then built even bigger by
Herod. It has not been excavated and is still in crazy ruins, but it is
beautiful and so is the surrounding area. We had a wonderful time hiking up
there (it is quite a hike). There were cool mosaics at the top and arches and
cisterns and other fun things. It was wonderful stuff and wonderful company.
Hiking up to Hyrcania |
More hiking up to Hyrcania |
The ruins on top of Hyrcania |
Some mosaics on top of Hyrcania |
Tarek taking pictures on top of Hyrcania |
The Judean Wilderness and Dead Sea as seen from Hyrcania |
A cistern or mikvah on top of Hyrcania |
Mahmoud waited below with the van. So nice of him |
Jul found a lot of cool pottery at Hyrcania (we left it all there!) |
Wild camels at Hyrcania (or at least unattended camels) |
This camel liked to pose for us |
We got back early enough that I could start making some
progress on my fundraising projects. I also spent a lot of time putting
together some plans for getting scuba certified. I am close to making that
happen, thanks to the wonderful efforts of my wife. Then I went with Phil and
Andy to a lecture at the Albright on the synagogue of Gamla. It was a useful
lecture, though there were a number of problems I saw with some of what he was
talking about. On the whole it was a good lecture that will be somewhat useful
for us as we take students there.
We got back from there just in time to be 45 minutes late
for the Seder (Passover) meal we do for the students. Ophir does such a great
job with it. But still, it takes quite a while and I have done is so many times
that I felt a bit happy over missing that much of it. It was still half an hour
or more before we started eating. But I had a great time there, and it is
always worth thinking about the Exodus. What a wonderful night it was!
Jacob and his friends at a party |
Friday was wonderful in a lot of ways. I especially had fun watching Jacob at a birthday party with his friends.
Sabbath was a delight. Alexia gave a talk, and it was so, so
very well done! ! Sabrina helped play the organ after practicing for a while last night
with Sister Holyoak, our organist.
There were some new people who moved in, including a former
student of mine. We had great lessons, great people, and all sorts of good
stuff happening. Then we spent some nice time together as a family. It was a
delightful, wonderful, perfect day!
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