First, a word about this blog in general. While some of the reason I write in here is to let our friends and family know how we are and what we are doing, much of the reason is to help others learn about the Bible, the land of the Bible, about Jesus Christ, and the LDS (Mormon) Church. These things are so meaningful to us and we hope that anyone who reads will learn wonderful things about all of these topics. The links on the side also hopefully help with this.
Last Sunday (remember that here we observe Sabbath on Saturday)
was a great day. I got ready and Kaleb, Tashara, Alexia and I went to join the
Fellows and the youth and their leaders from the Tel Aviv Branch. We met at
Latrun, and did some geocaching. The people I met there were wonderful, and we
had a great time together. We found a little geocache at Latrun pretty quickly.
Then we went over to Canada Park, at the top of the Aijalon Valley. This is the
same place we did a few scout camps last time we were here, and even
encountered hyenas once. Today we had a great time tramping around and figuring
out the landscape and finding things. It was also so much fun to just visit
with other people and enjoy them.
We found more geocaches and worked our way
further and further up the ridge. As we got high enough, I figured out that we
were climbing the lower half of the Bet Horon Ridge. I could see the other side
of landmarks I have pointed out from Nebi Samwill as I showed people the way
the Israelites pursued the Canaanites along the Bet Horon Ridge under Joshua’s
command. This is where the sun and moon stood still, and where hailstones
killed many Canaanites. It was exciting to be on the other side of this journey
and be able to piece it all together in my mind and recognize where we were and
have been. I am really starting to get a feel for this land. In some ways I am
coming to know it better than the territory around my own home. In any case, it
was a great day!
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Kids in the boat at the cistern |
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the wedding party in the cistern |
When we were done there the Fellows told us they were going
to a nearby city to go to a large cistern that has boats in it you can use. So
we went with them. It was not quite as close as I had thought it would be, but
it was kind of a fun drive. And the cistern was a bit small for boats, but
quite fun. We just rowed around, every now and then getting in the way of a
wedding photo shoot that was happening there. I think the kids had a lot of
When we got back Julianne and I made a trip into the Old
City. We were trying to find the place where I bought some matching hats for
the boys and me for Christmas (I had lost mine in the City of David on the very
day we got it for Christmas). I was very pleased that I was pretty easily able
to retrace my steps and find the store and get another one. I was also happy to
be able to know the way to the other places we wanted to go. The Old City
geography has also crystallized in my mind. Things are coming together well.
That evening I worked with Kaleb a lot to get his homework
done. This next week is the last week of the semester for them, full of exams,
and all the missing homework is dues. So we worked hard and Kaleb got a lot
done. I am very happy about it, and it is unifying for us to work on it
together (when he is willing to work). All in all it was a great day!
Monday was a field trip to the Negev. I had been excited
that Julianne was going to come. But some of the kids were feeling a little
sick, and Tashara only needed to be at school for a while and didn’t want to
just hang out there forever, and we were going to get back late but the kids
need to stay on top of things for their exams, so she decided she could not
come. It was good for the kids. It was sad for me.
We went first of all to the Sidra Weaving Center. This is a
group of Bedouin women who support themselves by making a weaving co-op. This
way they can help with getting an education for their children, etc. As an
organization we contribute to them, but we also bring the students to them to
learn about weaving and their culture. They typically also buy quite a bit from
them. Things went okay.
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Students learning at the Sidra Weaving Center |
Then we went to Be’er Sheva (Beer Sheba). This was my first
field trip with Andy Skinner, and I really, really enjoyed working with him.
There were a few times when I thought we had outlined that I was going to talk
about something and he did instead, but it worked out just fine. He was very
enjoyable to work with. We taught them about the lives of Abraham, Isaac,
Ishmael, and Jacob there. We taught them about the geography and climate of the
land. We taught them about altars and showed them the replica of the reconstructed
altar there (reconstructed based on the pieces of altar they found there). We
taught them about covenant, sacrifice, and all sorts of other good things.
Andrew Skinner teaching at Beer Sheva (Beer Sheba) |
One of my students, Hannah Trimble, clinging to the horn of the altar as if she were claiming sanctuary |
Then we went up to the gate. It was a cold, windy day, but
the students did pretty well. At the gate I taught them about the concepts of
gates, and how they worked in the ancient world and in the Bible in particular.
We then taught about Christ as the keeper of the gate, and I think it meant
more to them than it ever has before.
We also went through the remains of the city.
Sheep grazing at Beer Sheva. We joked that these are the great, great, great granchildren of Abraham's sheep |
We saw the
place where the temple had probably been built. We should not be surprised that
there was a worship center there, it had certainly been a worship center for
Abraham, and I would guess his descendants would want to continue that. We
taught them about Hezekiah and his reforms, about that place as a citadel for
controlling trade routes, about kings and fortifications, and in all we had a
really nice time.
My students looking down at the ruins of Tel Beer Sheva |
Then we went to Tel Arad. Again it was a pleasure to work
with Andy. We did a bit more on gates and fortifications. We taught them about
the Arad ostraca, and the language tie in with the Book of Mormon. Then we went
to the temple and spent a lot of time teaching them about the temple. We taught
them about temples in general. We taught them about holiness, gradations of
holiness, about Hezekiah’s reforms again, about temple worship in ancient
Israel, etc. Then I showed them the evidence that this temple had eventually
begun to be used for more than one god. We spoke briefly about how we can do
the same thing, about how we sometimes worship both God and his truths, but
also the things the world teaches us at the same time.
My students in the Holy of Holies of the temple of Arad |
Then we went out to the Canaanite part of the city. They
were so cold, so we moved quickly, and often huddled in little places that were
out of the wind. They were great troopers, enjoying themselves even in that
weather. We taught them more about temples at some Canaanite temples. We taught
them about the huge fortifications and had them think of how daunting big walls
were to the Israelites as they came into the promised land. On the whole we had
a great time.
My students crammed into a tower of the Canaanite city of Arad |
When it was time to leave our bus driver told us the
quickest way home would be along highway 90, going along the Dead Sea. I wasn’t
sure if this was an okay way to go as far as security, so I called Tawfic. He told
me it was no problem. Andy and I thought that since he said it was okay, that
it would work out fine. So off we went, coming home along the 90. We wound down
quite a bit, and I pointed out Acacia/Shittim trees all along the way, teaching
them about the construction of the Tabernacle. We pointed out a few things, but
mostly we had a long discussion about how we can worship more than one god at a
time as we believe both what God tells us and what the world tells us. I used
the idea of motherhood as an example, and of how different God’s views are
regarding this (holding it as the highest value of all), and the world’s
(having quite a bit of contempt for motherhood). We spoke of the difficulty
that comes to mothers who believe both what God teaches and what the world
does. I think we had a great discussion. I really enjoyed it.
When we got home I had a nice time with my family. In the
middle of all that I was contacted by administration, who requested a meeting
with me the next day to go over what happened with our taking a different route
home. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out what could be the problem, but I
agreed. Now I had another thing to worry about. After a while I had a measure of peace. I
know I am doing things with the best intent and doing things the way God would
have me do it, and doing things well. I will do my best to do things how
administrators here think they should go, I really do try. But sometimes I just
can’t anticipate the way they think, no matter how hard I try. But knowing that
I have the best of intents and being confident that my will is aligned with God’s,
I know he will make things work out the way he wants, whether or not that is
how I was hoping they would work out.
I have had a terrible cold, and it was a bit rough in the
cold wind today with it. I need more sleep. It is hard to get good sleep with
so much silliness going on around here, but I will work on it. I need it.
I worked more with Kaleb to help him get everything done he
needs to for school He is such a good kid and is so enjoyable. He seems to be
doing really well right now.
I slept well at night. The next day we got the kids off to
school (except Tashara, who didn’t have to go, and whom I enjoyed spending a
lot of time with). My class went well, I really enjoyed it. I am loving
teaching here. The students are so great, and it is going so well. I feel like
I am giving them a good foundation to get a lot out of the scriptures, and they
seem to be really enjoying it. I feel great about how things are going.
I had a brief nap, and did some work and attended lots of
meetings, etc. I met with students, got lessons ready, and helped my kids with
their homework. Finally I met with the administration. In the end it was a great
meeting, and I feel like things turned out well.
We had a nice Branch Presidency meeting tonight, and
extended more callings and set more people apart. I think that all 82 students
have callings now. Not bad for just under three weeks since they got into the
The next day we did another field trip. After two good night’s
sleep I am mostly over my cold. The weather was also great all day. We went to
Jericho. Andy was with me again, and we had a great time teaching together. The
movie at Jericho was too long and too problematic, I don’t believe I will do
that again. But we were able to teach them great things at Jericho, especially
about the Lord’s power and his willingness and ability to help us overcome
obstacles. It was a great time.
Andrew Skinner teaching my students at Jericho |
Water flowing from Elisha's Spring |
Then we went to Elisha’s Spring and taught more
about that as we taught about Elisha healing the spring and the symbolism
behind that story.
From there we went to Herod’s Winter Palace. Our timing is a
little off, I am still figuring out how to work with Andy and how much he will
teach and talk. As a result we didn’t have time to go into Herod’s palace, but
I think the students still learned a lot.
My students in the spring house of Elisha's Spring |
From there we went to Wadi Qelt. We walked along the road to
Jericho. As we looked at St. George’s Monastery we spoke of hermits, and of
Elijah being fed by ravens (it is the traditional site for that). Then we spoke
of the parable of the Good Samaritan. As we hiked along that beautiful route I
taught more about the Good Samaritan and then taught about the temptation of
Christ. I think we had some beautiful, powerful moments. I think we also had a
lot of fun. In the end it was a great day.
St. George's Monastery, in the Wadi Qelt, along the road to Jericho. This place commemorates the feeding of Elijah by ravens and the conception of Mary by St. Anne |
I got a few things done this afternoon, but not as much as I
would have liked. I also had some fun with Kaleb and helped him finish up
homework. Then we went to a nice dinner honoring the Hopkins, who are about to
return home. Then I went to a little lecture on Jordan that Andy Skinner did
for the students to help them get ready for Jordan. I fell asleep for a bit of
that. Finally I was able to go home and go to bed.
Julianne and I with Arden and Lorraine Hopkin |
Class the next day was great again. One of my favorite
lessons ever, as I taught about the power of the atonement and God’s
willingness and ability to deliver us as evidenced by the larger Exodus story.
I loved the class. I think the students did too.
Then I exercised, and Phil and I went out together to do
some field trip prep. It was scheduled for all of us to go, but Andy and David
were too busy. In all cases in the past of which I am aware, in such a case
they would just turn it over to us and let us use the miles and money allotted to
the Center for it. But for whatever reason David can’t let something like that
happen without him being part of it. As gently as we tried to present it to
him, he just refused to let it happen. Ah well, we were not surprised. So we
went anyway, just on our own dime.
We had a great time. We went to a new mosque we have seen
many times, and checked it out as a place we could visit if both the trip to
Egypt and Jordan fall through and we need to take the students to a mosque. It is
The fairly new mosque in Abu Gosh that we call the Disneyland Mosque |
Inside the nice mosque |
Then we drove around quite a bit and found a place that was close to
Kiryant Jearim. That is the place that the ark of the covenant is supposed to
have been taken to after it was lost to the Philistines, and it stayed there
until David brought it to Jerusalem. The traditional spot is covered by city,
etc., so we went to the next door hill that is nice and natury still, and hiked
around there to get a feel for it.
Phil in the hills around Kiryat Jearim |
The beautiful hills around Kiryat Jearim |
Then we searched for a long time and found
the church that is built on the traditional site. It was beautiful and I
enjoyed it a ton. Mostly I enjoyed Phil’s company. He is so much fun, and such
a delight. I also researched a bit, and I am not fully convinced that this is
the right spot where the ark was. I think there is a decent chance it was over
by Nob, very close to us. But who knows? One way or the other it was quite a
wonderful time.
Notre Dame, the church built where the ark was supposedly kept at Kiryat Jearimg |
A beautiful olive tree on the grounds of Notre Dame in Kiryat Jearim |
The view from the traditional site of the ark's resting place at Kiryat Jearim |
Then Phil and I went to a lecture by our friend Tim, at the
Albright. I enjoyed that. Then we hurried home and my family went to dinner
with the students. I got the younger kids to bed while Julianne took the older
kids to a concert. I was able to have a little time to myself to finish some
revisions on a paper and work hard on getting some things ready for Jordan. It
was quite a pleasant night.
The next day we had two hours of Old Testament, and I loved
every minute of it. I felt like the lesson went really, really well. And I think
the students are really getting a lot out of it. It is just so much fun. The
rest of the day was largely filled with meetings, getting ready for Jordan, and
helping Julianne get some stuff purchased in the Old City. We spent a lot of
good afternoon and evening time together as a family. We finished our Star Wars
movie-thon, finally watching number 6. We visited together as a family, and
overall had a wonderful evening. It is so great to spend time together as a
family. I am so blessed to be with these guys. I know they really don’t like
the school here, and are struggling with it a lot. But on the whole I would say
that this week we had a lot of fun together.
Julianne and I watched a movie together, and visited for
quite a while. I listened to the devotional done this week by my friend, Scott
Esplin. It was excellent. I loved it.
I got quite a bit of sleep but I also got woken up early by
BJ texting me. So I listened to a great talk by Elder Holland. Then I spent
time with Jaker and Sabrina, and got ready and went up to a very enjoyable
Branch Council. Church in every way was nice. I had a wonderful time
worshipping with everyone. We also had a social afterwards. It was great to
visit with people. Then we set people apart, decided on some other things, I
asked people to speak next week, and spent nice time with my family and
Julianne. On the whole it has been a wonderful day.
Time flies too quickly, and we are not doing as much as I
would like. But we are having a wonderful time and I am quite happy. Despite
all kinds of silliness, life is great!
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