Wow, so much has happened. On the 20th, we went
to Beth Shemesh and talked about the Samson story. I showed my family and the
Chappell’s some excavations they haven’t seen before, and we explored a huge
cistern I have never seen before. Then we went to Azekah, where we explored the
excavation dump and found a few stones I think were probably sling stones from
the Assyrian siege of Azekah. We had a great time at the site and reviewed the
David and Goliath story once again. From there we went down to the Elah Valley,
and slung stones and had a great time. Then we went over the rest of the David
and Goliath story, and I think it really came to life for them.
We hurried back in time for Julianne to go with the Smiths
and pick up BJ from the airport. I took the Chappells out to the Western Wall
and they enjoyed seeing that place. Julianne and BJ beat us back by a little
ways. It was fun to get him back and visit with him. He was tired out of his
mind. It was good to see him again. He really just wanted to go to sleep, so we
let him.
The next day we got up pretty early and went to the Dome of
the Rock. It is always an incredible place to go. A Jewish group came up there
while we were there, and the folks up on top did a lot of chanting of Allah
Akbar (God is Great) for quite a while. It was a bit tense, but not too
terrible. Then we went down into the Old City and did a few fun things and then
the Chappells left for Tel Aviv to get their visas for Jordan. We took BJ
around to various places in the Old City and let him choose where we would go.
It was fun to see him enjoying being at these places again.
The next morning we left for Galilee. The Fellows came with
us because it was also a seminary field trip. Our first stop was Bet Sha’an. I
think everyone had a really good time going through the ruins there, and I
think I was also able to give them a good feel for the geography of the place
and why it was so important and so on. It was fun to see my kids teach the
Chappell kids a bit. It is fun to see what they remember. Jacob wanted to take
them to see the ancient toilets. Kaleb was able to point out which stones were
restoration stones and which were truly ancient. They all knew something about
the place. It makes me happy.
From there we went to Ein Harod, a place I have never been
before. This is the spring where Gideon had his men drink from the water and
the way they drank whittled them down to just 300 men. We re-enacted the story
there, and even had little pots for them to break as they shouted and broke the
pots. Sitting in that spot and being able to point out the various places where
these things happened really made the story come to life. Everyone had a great
time, and I think everyone will always remember it. I loved it, I couldn’t get
enough. We also went over the story of the death of Saul and Johnathan a little
more, adding it to what we had already gone over at Bet Sha’an. What fun!
Our Family drinking from the spring at Ein Harod just like Gideon's army |
The Youth with their pots to break at Ein Harod as we reenacted the Gideon story |
Then we went to Megiddo. That place is huge and can become a
time sucker, and kids can get bored and become very done with it very quickly.
We determined to just do it quickly. I think I gave them some real highlights
but did not take too long, and in the end I felt like it went spectacularly
well. I was really, really happy with it. I think everyone liked the site and
The whole group fighting in the gates of Megiddo |
From there we went to Mount Tabor. We went over the Deborah
and Barak story, and I think it made more sense to them and made things come to
life for them. We also went over the Mount of Transfiguration, which is always
We saw a fox at Mount Tabor |
We enjoyed worshiping in the church at Mount Tabor |
From there we hurried to Nazareth. We got there not too long
before it was going to close. A big group was in doing mass, so we went to
other parts of the church and had some wonderful moments talking about Mary and
Joseph and Jesus. Then we were able to get into the main part of the church as
the mass ended. All in all, I think we had a nice time.
All the girls of the group in front of the statue of Mary at the Church of the Annunciation |
The Fellows left and we
hurried on to Tiberias.
We got to the church building, where the Hopkins welcomed
us. They had an incredible meal waiting for us, and we had a delightful time
visiting with them. They were amazing hosts, and made us feel so loved and
welcomed. They are such wonderful people. We had a great night with them, and
snuggled in, and all slept well.
Julianne woke me up to watch the sun rise the next morning.
It was very nice. Then we got all ready and went to Magdala. It was the first
time for any of them to be there except Jacob and Sabrina and I. It is so
touching to be in a synagogue where I am sure Jesus taught. It is so wonderful
to picture the things he did there. I am so grateful for the ministry of our
Savior. We are all so blessed by it!
My family at the synagoge at Magdala |
Then went to meet our little boat ride on the Sea of Galilee.
It was a little boat that could just barely fit us all in. It has an electronic
motor, which made it quiet. They let Jacob steer, and most people were able to
put their feet in the water as we went (Jacob and Sabrina weren’t tall enough).
Kaleb cast a line in and was fishing. Oddly enough, he caught a seagull. We
were able to get the hook out of the gull’s beak without hurting it, and it
took off and was fine. We went over stories from the Sea of Galilee together.
Wayne taught us about the calming of the waters. He talked about the need to
leave the shore, but the inherent dangers in leaving the shore, and compared
that to our need to leave God and come here, but the obstacles we encounter
here. Then he tied it all together in pointing out our need to have Christ in
our boat as we move along, because only he can guarantee that we won’t capsize.
It was a great teaching moment. We sang and had some touching times, and then
some more fun times. The person who was with us on the boat was incredible, and
I really appreciate him. Doing this little boat is the perfect way to go.
The little boat we were on at Galilee |
The group with their feet in the water |
When we accidentally caught a seagull |
The seagull was okay and we let him go |
From there we went to the Mount of Beatitudes, and had a
nice time there picturing how much Christ loves us and how he teaches us how to
return to him. Then we went to Tabgha, but it was closed as they prepared for
Christmas. Instead we went to their guesthouse and had a great lunch. It is a
wonderful, quaint little place that I would love to stay at some time. Then we
went to Saint Peter’s Primacy and had a delightful time talking about the
Savior’s visit with Peter after his resurrection. Again it is wonderful to see
how the stories come to life for our kids. The scriptures are so real and so
lunch at the Tabgha Guesthouse |
Then we went to Capernaum. On our way in we stopped at the
Bay of Parables. There we had a perfect little baptismal service for Jacob. We
cleaned the beach a little and took some pictures. Then we sang, and Julianne
gave the perfect talk on baptism and the Holy Ghost. She tied together all the
things we had done that day and tied them into baptism in a perfect. She talked
about how we had been following in Jesus’ path that day, and talked about some
of the things we had learned, and then pointed out that Jacob was literally and
spiritually and symbolically following Jesus’ path all the more by being
baptized. He was being baptized in a place I am sure the Savior and his
Apostles performed baptisms. As she spoke about the Holy Ghost a little sparrow
flitted around behind her. It was peaceful and it was perfect and I will never
forget it.
Then BJ and Jacob walked into the water (they said it was a
bit cold). They did not have to go out very far to be deep enough. Wayne and I
were able to see and hear perfectly from the water’s edge, and I think everyone
had a good view. BJ performed the baptism perfectly, and Jacob did it just
right too. I am so proud of him. He has entered into a covenant to serve God,
and I think he really understands it. I think he really wants to serve God, and
loves God, and knows what he is doing. I am so proud of him and so happy for
him. It was a wonderful moment.
Jacob and BJ just before Jacob's baptism, next to Capernaum |
Our family just before Jacob's baptism at the Bay of Parables |
Jacob and BJ walking out into the Sea of Galilee for Jacob's baptism |
Jacob and BJ hugging after the baptism |
Sabrina taking care of cold Jacob after his baptism |
We let BJ and Jacob change, and then we went into Capernaum.
I love Capernaum!!! There we went over the Bread of Life Sermon. Then we went
to Peter’s house and talked about the Savior spending so much time in Capernaum
and how I am so grateful that Peter loved and provided for Christ as he did. It
is so touching to be where he spent so much time. I love it, and I think
everyone felt it. Then we walked through some of the miracles that happened in
Capernaum, using Matthew 9 for our guide. It is incredible to think about what
the Savior did! I think we were all moved by the scriptural account. I am so
grateful for the life of Christ, for the scriptures that bear witness of it,
and for the places that bear witness of him.
We went around to the shoreside of Capernaum. There we spoke
of a few stories that happened there, such as of calling the Apostles to be
fishers of men, or of the fish with the coin in its mouth. And Jacob saw a
place under a tree that seemed to him to be the right place for his
confirmation. So we gathered under a tree at Capernaum, the Savior’s city as
Matthew put it, and we sang a song and I spoke a little bit about the Holy
Ghost, and we confirmed Jacob a member of the church and gave him the gift of
the Holy Ghost. He was promised that God had many things in store for him, and
that much of it depended on his listening to the promptings of the Spirit. He
was told that these promptings would come, and that the more he acted on them
the more they would come, and the more he would recognize them, and the more guided
his life would be, and the more joy he would have. It was a wonderful blessing,
and he is a wonderful boy who will bless the lives of so many people. It was a
supernal time at Capernaum for us. Then we went home, after two of the most
incredible days anyone could ever ask for.
Jacob and BJ and I just after confirming Jacob |
The next day was Christmas Eve. We got up, got ready, the
Allreds joined us, and we drove to the border crossing and then walked through
to Bethlehem. The place was clean and fairly empty. We walked quite a ways and
then we ran into the parade. It had started earlier than we had been told. But
we ended up in a decent place to watch it (though there were some parts we didn’t
see). We just rolled with the punches and had a great time watching, eating
lunch, etc.
Watching the Bethlehem Christmas Eve Parade |
Then we walked to Manger Square. There was hardly anyone in the
Church of the Nativity, so I took the Chappells there. Then we split up and did
some shopping. Finally we walked the couple miles back out of Bethlehem. The
kids complained about the walking a bit, but I think it is great to walk in
Bethlehem the same way Joseph and Mary would have so many years ago. It made
Christmas Eve more meaningful for me.
We drove to our Shepherd’s Field, where we have the perfect
view of Bethlehem. A shepherd was taking his sheep through as we came in. We
went to the sheepfold, then down to look at the watchtowers, then sat down and
sang Christmas hymns and read the story together. It grew dark and we saw stars
and could see over into Bethlehem by the light of an amazing full moon. It was
perfect. You could not ask for a more perfect Christmas Eve.
A shepherd at Sheperd's field |
Singing Christmas hymns at Shepherd's Field on Christmas Eve |
When we got back we all got together, including the Joneses,
and we had a nice dinner. Then our kids got their Christmas Pajamas, and we
sent them to bed, and did our Christmas things, and it was a great day. I was
able to think of the birth of Christ so much today. I am so grateful!
Christmas morning the kids slept in longer than I thought
they would. We got all the Muhlestein and Chappell kids together and went and
had a delightful Christmas morning. The kids were so wonderful. They made so
many of their gifts, and I am amazed at the creativity and work that went into
it. We also made a great breakfast together. What a delightful time.
Christmas morning |
The kids loves what they got from each other. |
Then we went to the City of David. There we went over the
history of the place, and in the spot where it would have happened we read the
Immanuel prophecy, which was perfect on a Christmas day. We had a wonderful
time doing Hezekiah’s tunnel. We had a wonderful time doing the Pool of Siloam.
Then I came home with my kids while Julianne took the Chappells to do some more
in the Old City. That evening we met with the Allreds and Fellows, and we all
went to see the new Star Wars movie together. It was very fun. I made sure to
spend a little time tonight thinking of the gift of Christ. It was a nice day.
Church the next day was great. We had a sacrament meeting
that consisted of just various people talking about hymns that touched them and
then singing those hymns. It was a wonderful way to worship. Later that day I
went with the Chappells (and BJ and Tashara, who I was delighted chose to come
with us) to Gethsemane, where I think we were really able to think about how
Christ suffered for our sins. Then we went up to the Upper Room and had some
great moments talking about the washing of the feet, the institution of the
Sacrament, and the wonderful teachings that happened there. Then we went to
Saint Peter in Gallicantu, where we talked about the trial of Christ before the
Sanhedrin, and spent even more time talking about the atonement. I was touched,
again, thinking about it. I am amazed at what he did and the power of it in our
lives. Then we went to look at the stairs the Savior walked up and down as he
went to and from Gethsemane. That is always moving as well. From there we went
to the Garden Tomb, which is such a wonderful place as well. In all these
places the Spirit bears witness of the reality of Christ’s suffering, death and
resurrection. It is real! It saves us!
There was some unrest in the Old City, and it spread a
little. Security told us we could not go to Jericho the next day, which was our
planned field trip. Ah well. So my family stayed and played and did go karts. I
took the Chappells to Wadi Qelt, where we did the story of Elijah and the Good
Samaritan. Then we went to Qumran and talked about the Dead Sea Scrolls. Then
we went to Ein Gedi and did the beautiful hike, went over some of the David
story and some of the Book of Mormon story. The scriptures are so real! Then we
swam in the Dead Sea. It was a fun, filled day.
The next day we got up early and the adults went to the Holy
Sepulchre. That is always a meaningful place. Any further opportunity to think
about the reality and power of the death and resurrection of our Savior, our
God, is momentous and wonderful. From there we also went to the Church of the
Flagellation, and to Saint Anne’s where we met with Father Peter again, did
some wonderful singing, and viewed the Pool of Bethesda. On the whole it was a
great time.
The next day we kind of moved back into our apartment as the
Chappells got ready to leave. Then we saw them off. We went to a cool museum
called the Friends of Zion museum. We also got a whopping parking ticket while
there. We thought we had been in an okay spot, but weren’t sure, so after we
all got into the museum Julianne ran back out to move it, found a woman about
to write a ticket, and couldn’t talk her out of it. Ah well.
We spent the rest of the day working on the house, and then
we watched some movies. We are tired, but have so many memories and are so
Shalom Kerry, I always love seeing what you guys are up to! What wonderful experiences. Will you still be there for winter semester? There are two sisters from my ward coming as students, the Bangerter girls (Brittney and Courtney). Their mom was a student in Jerusalem in 1988, so they're excited. Keep an eye out for them :-) Lehit! Anita
ReplyDeleteI'll tell them hi for you!
ReplyDeleteFinally catching up on your blog! So great to see what you all are up to. Love the baptism pics and wish we could've been there! It'll be good to see BJ sometime soon. Thx for sharing.