Another great week! I have to keep pinching myself that we
really get to do all these cool things and that we really get to enjoy
ourselves so much. We regularly do things that people dream of doing their
whole lives. We are so blessed.
Last Sunday we were planning a big outing in the Old City of
Jerusalem. But Jacob woke up pretty sick, so we waited quite a while and he
seemed to get feeling better. After he felt like eating a bit we thought maybe
we could venture out. Instead of walking, we drove, and found a place to park
fairly near the Garden Tomb.
The ride down made Jacob feel sick, and he got out
of the car and vomited. But then he got feeling better and said he wanted to
still go, so we slowly walked to the Old City. We didn’t do a whole lot, but we
did look for some presents for Sabrina’s birthday, and we found a few for her.
We had a nice visit with Shaban, who gave us all a nice drink and made the kids
laugh. The kids had a lot of deja-vu moments as they recognized places. We went
to a favorite place for mint-lemonade and the drink made Jacob feel better. We
eventually just came home, after having gotten a few surprises for Sabrina.
The next day was our first field trip. What a great time we
On the bus on our first field trip! |
We went to the Augusta Victoria Church, which commemorates the Ascension
of Christ after his 40 day post resurrection ministry. We had a great time
there learning about churches, about the Ascension, and then we climbed the
couple hundred stairs to the tower and got a good view of the land all around
so we could develop a bit of a layout of the land.
Students in Augusta Victoria Church on the Mt. of Olives
Students taking photos in Augusta Victoria Church on the Mount of Olives |
Then we went to another
overlook of the Old City so that folks could get a good idea of the geography
and topography of the city.
Dr. Jeff Chadwick pointing out the valleys around Jerusalem and the City of David |
The students at the overlook at the 7 arches hotel after we showed them the geography and topography of Jerusalem |
Then we went to Nebi Samwill, which is one of my
favorite sites ever. We were able to go up on the roof, which we did long ago
but have not been able to do for a few years. It was a great view!
There we talked about the crusades, Samuel, Saul, David,
Joshua, Solomon, Jacob, etc.
Dr. Chadwick showing the students some of the Hellenistic architecture at Nebi Samwill |
Showing the students the various visible sites from the roof at Nebi Samwill |
Me teaching my class on the roof at Nebi Samwill |
From that site you are looking down at Gibeon,
where the Israelites fought the Canaanites under Joshua, and then the sun and
moon stood still. Also, there Solomon was granted wisdom by the lord. From
there you can see Bethel, which is a site of real Biblical significance. Also
from there you can see Gibeah, where Saul’s palace was and where David lived
for a time. The place is so full of stories and it is wonderful to see how real
they become for the students. It was powerful, and I think they really enjoyed
it. We also let them go to the synagogue underneath.
From there we went to another overlook of Jerusalem, and
then to a monastery from which we could look over to Bethlehem.
Showing the students Jerusalem and its valleys from the south |
I love being with Dr. Jeff Chadwick again on these trips! |
We spent some
time talking about all the great events that happened at Bethlehem. We could
also see Rachel’s tomb, and spent some time talking about Rachel, using the
phrase from her tomb, “Rachel our Mother” which led to some powerful moments of
teaching. On the whole it was a really great field trip, and a great way to
begin it all.
Walking through the olive orchard at Mar Elyas to look over at Bethlehem |
Showing a sheepfold at Mar Elyas |
Teachings about olive trees at Mar Elyas |
Afterwards we had a nice dinner with the students, and then
got the kids all ready for school.
The next day we could not see even fifty yards. The city had
been swept over by a sandstorm coming off the eastern desert. You could taste
the sand in the air and we couldn’t see anywhere. It was crazy.
The view of Jerusalem we had before the sandstorm |
NASA's view of the sandstorm |
The view from our building during the sandstorm |
Class went
really well, I felt really good about it, and think we have a great group and
will have a wonderful semester. I really look forward to it. Julianne spent
much of the day shopping, and I helped her for some of it. We also had a very
nice event at the Anglican School where we got to know some of the teachers
better and we got to know some of the other parents. It was quite nice. We left
from there so I could attend Branch Presidency meeting, where we figured out
what positions many of the students could serve in in the branch. It was a
great day!
Wednesday was another day I really enjoyed teaching, and we
got all sorts of other little things done. I was also able to extend callings
to several people. These are such delightful students, I love working with
Thursday was a big day. It was Sabrina’s birthday. Part of
the reason we had done all that shopping was to get everything we needed to
give Sabrina the meals and cake, etc., that she would like. We had a great
morning with her. Then I enjoyed class, and immediately afterwards Jeff, Phil,
David and I left for the Negev. We tried to find a place we have often gone to
teach the students about weaving and Bedouins, but they had moved and we couldn’t
find them. We then went to tel Arad, which is a great site. We enjoyed talking
about the temple there, the settlements, the Canaanites, etc. It was a very
nice time.
Tel Arad |
Dr. Jeff Chadwick and Dr. Phil Allred at the fortress at tel Arad |
Dr. Chadwick measuring for his cubits at Arad |
the temple at Arad |
The Holy of Holies at Arad |
Then we went to modern Beer Sheva and found the traditional Abraham’s
well. They have made it into quite the tourist place, but we got them to do a
quick tour for us. They have it set up very nicely, and it is great to see the
old well. I enjoyed that.
Traditional Abraham's Well |
Looking in Abraham's Well |
Then we went to tel Beer Sheva, where we also talked
about wells, walls, and a bunch of other events. I quite enjoyed the time with
everyone. It was a long, full day and though I felt I understood these sites
fairly well, I understand them even better now.
Wadi Beer Sheva |
Tel Beer Sheva |
the replica of the four horned altar at tel Beer Sheva |
When we got home we did cake, presents, etc. for Sabrina.
The students had already done a few nice things for her, and then others came
and sang and spoiled her. I think she had a great day. I am very happy for her!
Sabrina blowing out the cake as she turns 10 |
Friday we had a good class, then I got some work done while
Julianne went to classes (she tries to attend most of the classes here). We
went to lunch with Jeff Chadwick and bought Shabbat flowers. Then we had a
meeting about our Turkey trip, which seems like it will be great, and I was
able to play with the kids a bit. Jacob has found out that a little shop down
the street has a parakeet they keep outside. It has been nicknamed Stu, and he
likes to go visit it as often as possible. So he, Kaleb and I walked down to
see Stu, bought Pringles from the store, and made a nice afternoon of it.
the evening we had a big party for Sabrina, that all the students came to. We
played lots of fun games, including Sabrina doing Simon Says, and she was
pretty clever and got a bunch of them out. Afterwards we had cookies for
everyone, and they had the grand opening of the snack stand, which they have
named Lehi’s Pantry.
Playing games at Sabrina's party |
More games at Sabrina's party |
Sabrina doing Simon Says at her party |
Cake after the party |
Date nights are tough in Jerusalem. The whole city shuts
down on Friday nights, so it is pretty hard to have any kind of activity out of
the center on Fridays. Saturday night is our Sabbath, so no going out on that
night. And on Sunday night you don’t want to stay out late, school is the next
day. So Julianne and I often just watch a movie in our apartment. Last time we
were here we worked through a season or more of the series “Monk,” and we loved
it. This time we are working through “White Collar”, which we like, but so far
not quite as much. In any case, we are having a good time doing it together.
Sabbath has been great. I slept in a bit, which was very
nice. The little tiny mosque next door has started having a war with a little
Jewish school above us. The form of the war is that they broadcast louder than
everyone else, earlier than everyone else, and more things than everyone else.
So they do the call to prayer and a whole bunch of different Quranic readings
and all sorts of other things. They do it soooo loud. It starts at about 4:30.
This has been waking me up, and mostly I am not able to go back to sleep. Today
I did. Very nice.
Julianne worked on seminary. She has been putting a lot of
time into this calling, and I think has set it up so that these two kids will
have a great seminary experience. She is so dedicated and so wonderful.
Church was great! Sabrina gave a talk in primary that she
wrote all by herself, and it was great. I set apart six people after church and
was amazed at how much the Lord loves these good people. What a wonderful
Afterwards the whole center went together to the Garden
Tomb. We had a delightful time there, and I think my children very much enjoyed
themselves. It was too hard to set up having a time of teaching for my kids,
but it set the stage for our coming back later and having a great time.
Sabrina, Alexia, and students at the Garden Tomb |
When we got home we skyped with Julianne’s parents, made a falafel
dinner together, and had a very nice evening together. It was the perfect
capping to a wonderful week!
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