Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Shphehlah and Goodbye

Today the kids got off to school. Then we went to a million good places. We went to Bet Shemesh and told the story of Samson and also the Ark of the Covenant being returned from the Philistines. Then we went to Lachish, and went through the incredible stories that are a part of that place. I am always amazed at the drama of the real events that happened there, and the plight of our Israelite ancestors there, and the majesty and tragedy of the site.
From there we went quickly to Mareshah, where we went into a large, ancient dove cote (or called columbarium). And then off to the Valley of Elah, where we used slings and read the David and Goliath story. Great day! Everyone else shopped on the way home, but I came straight back and worked on getting stuff done and take care of the kids when they got home from school. Everyone had to do lots of packing as they prepared to leave tomorrow.
The next day the kids went to school, everyone continued to get packed, and did their last few errands, etc. Then they all went to pick the kids up from school. On the way they went through the Shuk (shook), the Jewish market area. Then they toured the kids’ school. Also, today Ray and Sandy Huntington got in. Ray was in Ken’t position when the JC opened back up in 2007, and filled it for two years. He is here to fill Kent’s position for summer term. They came on a little over a week’s notice. It is great to have them here, this will be wonderful. We also had to have a meeting in preparation for the students arriving tomorrow. This is all happening so fast.
Finally the time came to say goodbye. The kids were heartbroken to see Grandmas, Grandpa, and Aunt Kathy leave. Jacob asked if they were going back to the “real world”. We bid them goodbye and wished them well. Apparently they had a pretty crazy time getting to the airport and on the plane, but it all worked out eventually. In the meantime our kids cried for them, wanted to go back home, worried about if the new students would like them, etc. Everyone was worn out, tired, and emotional. It was a tough night, but we go them to sleep eventually.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, the thought of your kids wondering if the students would like them is the most heart breaking thought ever! They'll never love them as much as we did, but I'm sure it'll be close!
