So much has happened and I am far enough behind with enough to do that I thought it would be best if I work on this a day at a time. That way I can do it in ten minute spurts instead of trying to find a few hours to work on it all in a row.
So, April 17th was a big, great day. It was Alexia’s birthday. We had a fun breakfast, did some presents and cake, and then did a small party with a few of the students. Then we headed out for Palm Sunday, walking there with all the students. It was very warm, but we were all excited. We walked up the street to the top of the Mt. of Olives, and then south and starting down the mount to Bethphage. We were there a while before it started. We bought a few palm branches along the way. Jacob and Sabrina got very tired and very hot very quickly, and were carried most of the way. Jacob was asleep in my arms by the time we got to Bethphage, but he woke up after a while of being there. Fortunately for us, the students love our kids and love to help, and Alexia and Sabrina rode other guys most of the way. For a while, when Sabrina and Alexia were on top of Kevin and Donovan, Sabrina said, “hey, we are like Jesus and these are like our donkeys.” At least she knew what we were celebrating.
We ended up being able to be right at the front of the procession. We were right behind the scout troops that led out the way. We stopped often, but had a great time. We sang hymns much of the way. It was crowded enough sometimes it was hard to keep track of each other. But it was a great feeling to re-enact Jesus’ triumphal entry. We could picture him and all that happened that day. As we walked the long, hot road, knowing we were close to the exact same time of year he did it, we were really better able to understand all he did. It was an incredible experience. I don’t think anyone will forget it. I felt like a true pilgrim. Though it was hot, and much of my time was occupied with helping my children survive and not get lost, still I felt like I was following in the footsteps of my beloved Savior. It doesn’t get any better.
When it was over we lost Tashara for a minute, but she was taken care of by students and Jeff Chadwick, which made it possible to find her in the vast crowds. We had some ice cream, made the very long walk home, and then did a bit more birthday stuff for wonderful Alexia. We told her that not many people get a big parade about the Savior thrown for their birthday. She lit up when she heard that. She is a great girl.
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