This week we did so many things. A quick trip to Hukilau with just Dad and the older three kids brought some great boogie boarding with some decent waves. The whole family did a small trip to Turtle Bay for snorkeling in their little bay. Then, on Friday, we went to Haunauma Bay for a great day of snorkeling. Everyone got into it but the youngest two, who had a great time on the beach. Even Alexia, who had gotten a little nervous last time we tried snorkeling, couldn't help herself when she saw a bunch of fish immediately. Then we couldn't get her to stop. The older two went for ever and ever. We all saw some fish we had never seen before, and felt like we were in another world. Snorkeling is one of the great, peaceful pastimes of the world.
That evening we went over to Ko'Olina harbor, because we had heard that the Black Pearl (the ship from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie) was in harbor there. We had heard it was by the Marriott hotel, so we went there first. I was just going to check it out so we had a home base (not thinking we would stay, but thinking we would see how that hotel was) and see if they could tell us where the Black Pearl was. But we liked the hotel and the different activities they had for the kids so much that we decided to use some Marriott points to stay there the night. We had thought there was a small chance we might, so while we had not brought a change of clothes, toothbrushes or anything, we had brought pajamas. So we stayed and had a wonderful time. It was so beautiful there.
They had some pools with small hammerhead sharks, another with manta rays, and others with all kinds of fish. They had an activity in their little lagoon where we could feed the fish. They had a lei making activity. And they had fun snorkeling in their little lagoons. We also went to their really cool pools with the waterfalls, slides, etc.
And of course we drove out to see the Black Pearl, did some hiking to get the best view of it, and got close enough that it filled up everything you could see in our binoculars. It was fun. They even shot a cannon while we were there. BJ was way stoked, and we all thought it was fun.
And on Sunday we saw some great fireworks that they shot off at Turtle Bay. It was really a nice show, and we really had a nice time together. For FHE on the 5th of July we did sparklers and little fireworks with all the friends here at the Townhouses. I think we lit about 200 sparklers, and had a great time.
Holy schmoly. You guys are having a summer vacation to make everyone else's seem lame. It's been fun reading up on your adventures. Jellyfish stings and all!