It has been a while since I wrote here, partially because things have been so busy. We have been working on the dig, we brought the manager of the hotel out to the dig, we have been doing mini firesides/lectures for the students, and we took them to some places.
I have enjoyed working on the dig. It has been good to see this all coming together. Not having permission for the students to come out has been vexing and ulcer causing. It was a good experience to take the hotel manager out to the site. I rode with him in his mercedes to our excavation site. It was very good for me, because I had never figured out the way to get to our site before. It was very, very good to learn how to get there and to make sure I knew the way. We had a good experience there.
The next day I took the students on a field trip. We went to the Dashur pyramids. We went all around, doing some real exploring and examination. It was really good, and the students really enjoyed it. We went inside the red pyramid, which was very good also. Then we decided to go to Abu Sir. I have never been there before. It was closed, but with my antiquities pass and some money we got in. This is a very cool place, with some really cool temples, causeways, chambers, etc. We had a real adventure, and I really enjoyed it.
And then the best news came. We got permission for the students to go to the site! Tomorrow they get to go up, and I am so happy about it.
My time is almost up. Hopefully I can take a few photos of the dig and post them here within the next few days. Things are going well.
This comment is to show Julianne that my comments are showing up and that I'm actually reading your blog. Sounds like a good time and hopefully the students are enjoying their experience even if they don't get to get their hands dirty!